One can revise ‘n’ number of times, but the fear of examination does not go away till D-day arrives. Exam anxiety can cause you to baffle out at even the easiest questions when the test is presented. This exam pressure or anxiety can be calmed down if you as a student are prepared skilfully for the exams. Evergreen Publication (India) Ltd., being the pioneer in the field of publishing books and study material, presents Evergreen 100% SUCCESS SAMPLE QUESTION PAPERS to help students reduce exam stress and anxiety so as to excel and prosper in the academic field. One of the best companions for students, this series gives students an idea of which topics they need to emphasize and helps them pass every exam with assertion and ease.
All new editions of Evergreen 100% SUCCESS SAMPLE QUESTION PAPERS is designed by subject specialists and created comprehensively by following the latest syllabus pattern issued by the ICSE board for class 10 and ISC board for class 12 with utmost care and accuracy. Students can get first-hand knowledge of the actual exam pattern and study formats. Evergreen Sample Question Papers procure an authentic exam-oriented approach. These books aim at providing students with a holistic overview of the exam and aid them in performing their best by preparing from the best. This is India’s one of the best exam-oriented series with both solved and unsolved practice papers based on the latest curriculum issued by ICSE and ISC boards. The subject experts, teachers and education specialists have given minute consideration to every study aspect and provide solutions exactly in coherence with the latest marking scheme.
The series is accessible with quick response (QR) codes and links to download the practice papers. Students can check their preparation level for each chapter and revise important definitions, formulas, terms and concepts. Our updated, revised editions of 100% Success Sample Question Papers include detailed answers as per word limit for better understanding and quick revision.
The book series truly justifies its name as it aims at helping students prepare to attain 100% success in exams so they can outshine in the race of competition and climb the ladder of outstanding achievements.
Evergreen 100% SUCCESS SAMPLE QUESTION PAPERS not only act as a blueprint for enhanced learning but also instil different learning abilities in students. Self-assess your knowledge and get ready to score well!